Article: is steins gate 0 worth watching
December 22, 2020 | Uncategorized
I don't think that he is right in every point, but you can start with Digibro's videos about SG0 to get a first impression what is wrong with the second season. Is it on the same level as the first season or other. "Steins;Gate0" is the other half. With Mamoru Miyano, Ema Asai, Kana Hanazawa, Tomokazu Seki. But one of the most impressive changes is the one Ruka seems to have gone through--he fights and kills their enemies with graceful … It's one of those that starts off kinda slow. Watch and experience for yourself. It has a good solid story line, lots of suspense, as well as some romance. 7 years ago. And nothing missed if you wanna skip it. Not worth watching imo. The dark untold story of Steins;Gate that leads with the eccentric mad scientist Okabe, struggling to recover from a failed attempt at rescuing Kurisu. Why Steins;Gate 0 Is Worth Your Time. In order to have the best experience with the continuity to Steins;Gate 0, you should watch up to Episode 22 through the very end of the credits, then move to Steins;Gate: Kyoukaimenjou no Missing Link - Divide By Zero.See my note below, in that episode. the reviews range from 6/10 to 10/10 on anime planet, theres no synopsis.. what is it about, is it worth watching? You get thrills here and there, but they reserve it for the real big moments this time. It's not necessarily a sequel. You will miss old okabe tho. With J. Michael Tatum, Monica Rial, Tyson Rinehart, Cherami Leigh. Explaining it all would take way too much time for me right now, and if I only tell you one example, everyone will tell me how I am wrong, thinking that SG0 is bad only because of one small reason(but I only wanted to tell one example). So, I had no idea this was a game and watched the anime... loved it by the way. Everything you need to know about the time travel concepts and summary of Steins;Gate (2011) is located at the bottom for those who want to refresh their memory before watching Steins;Gate 0 . 7 years ago. How would you compare it to the original? It starts off fine but it just gets steadily worse and more ridiculous with action scenes that require the suspension of disbelief of God himself to not cry laugh at. 0 has the same great characterization and a similar buildup and collection of epic moments, but suffered from weaker directing. in the beta world line from the first season. It's a slight notch below in all aspects, barring animation at some points, this is breaks our expectations and amplifying negative notions higher. He decides to give up and abandons his lively scientist alter ego, in pursuit to forget the past. Yeah, there were touching moments but the overall story lost me with the whole time travel loophole explanations. Worth playing after watching the anime? Memorable characters, emotional intensity, and twists that’ll make your head spi n—fans of the first anime will no doubt enjoy the interquel. I would actually classify 0 more as a drama. So don't go into it expecting a "Steins;Gate 2", because that's not what 0 is about. I think much of the disappointment of the series comes with the paradigm of expectations. But havnt got around to watch 0. Yes, there are the usual exposition-rich moments that cover many of the events of the first entry, but this is a complex tale, with many layers and many subtle nuances that need to be experienced first-hand. Kamal Shrestha-December 10, 2019 1. It's also not an alternative "what-if" story, as it's canon to Steins;Gate's true ending. With a near 7 year gap between Steins;Gate and Steins;Gate 0, especially with all the love both VNs have, we all expected something better than the original. One Piece. The "Original" is only half of the story. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. It takes place at the end of the original Steins;Gate, set in the Beta worldline. Now before going any further it is worth noting that Steins;Gate 0 is, in many ways, a direct sequel to Steins;Gate in both its original form and in the recently released Elite version. It‘s worth watching. With a near 7 year gap between Steins;Gate and Steins;Gate 0, especially with all the love both VNs have, we all expected something better than the original. Sakamoto is death, theory. I found the anime adaptation to be vastly inferior to the VN to the point that I couldn't enjoy it. If you've enjoyed Steins;Gate for the characters, then yes. It has some really good stuff, but I found it to have too many problems overall, both story and adaptation wise. An alternate ending to Steins;Gate that leads with the eccentric mad scientist Okabe, struggling to recover from a failed attempt at rescuing Kurisu. Now, VN is not anime (duh) so it may throw you off. First half of the series is little slow but then the second half is too Gud. If you really enjoyed Steins;Gate then yes it is. This post is a theory about the eventual doom of the protagonist of Sakamoto desu ga? If you like SG the original, I think its worthwhile to just get more of the same characters and story, mostly. Rather than having you think about timelines, parallel worlds, and D-Mail, the show is making you think about the possibilities of storing human thoughts as electronic data. It's a slight notch below in all aspects, barring animation at some points, this is breaks our expectations and amplifying negative notions higher. I think it's great. Note: Implied spoilers for the original Steins;Gate ahead.. Now, in Steins;Gate 0 it’s a constant of on/off when it comes to the development of things. In Steins;Gate 0, when Okabe wakes up in the desolate future, his friends have all changed drastically. Personally what disappointed me the most were the new characters (with potential story altering angles) getting dropped halfway through. It's like someone's first fanfiction got an anime adaption. Dotachin 56. I tolerated the story a bit SG but SG0 was too much in the end. After watching the original Steins;Gate, it’s easy to see that the series has a lot going for it. Still I enjoyed it I would give original 10/10 and 8/10 to sequel. STEINS;GATE 0. There's no reason not to watch it if you already liked the original. He decides to give up and abandons his lively scientist alter ego, in pursuit to forget the past. I just finished it today, and its definitely worth watching. You can get a full action with a lot happening in one episode, finishing with a huge cliffhanger and the next one is like nothing happened and everything is kinda slow again. It’s fine but I still like the original one more, Its not a sequel but another timeline that leads to Steins;Gate's true ending. It's also not as well put together as OG S;G but it has some great moments especially towards the end, It’s an alternate route but see it as an extension to the story, except steins gate 0 further develops and makes the story better. You don't notice as much in slower scenes, but it's more obvious in the action scenes and through the absence of 'passive' outdoor shots. In my opinion, absolutely not. Lv 7. If you enjoyed S;G you might want to give a try to Steins;Gate 0 the visual novel. Particularly the end. The best thing I can say about Steins;Gate 0 is that you don’t have to watch this anime. Simply put, Steins;Gate is vastly superior to the other two series so it's the only one you need to bother watching. While it can be a little dense at times, the story had me hooked from the beginning and never let go. I finished it yesterday and it's somewhat connected with OG steins gate. ... 0 0. I finished steins gate a couple months back and really enjoyed it. where Rintaro Okabe falls into depression after failing to prevent the death of Kurisu Makise until he meets Maho Hiyajo several months later. It expands on so much of the content in the anime that it's worth playing if you have any interest in more detailed Steins;gate information. I really loved the original S;G but 0 is just okay, nothing more. In my opinion it had so many flaws compared to season 1 that I was really disappointed. Huke’s artwork is as gorgeous as it was in the first game, with the added benefit of more post-apocalyptic images that have me excited for what we might see in the next game. It’s pointless. Please note that Steins;Gate 0 is more character-focused than the original, and is almost an entirely different genre of show than original Steins;Gate. Original was really good, but was really stretching the believability, SG0 goes goes so far that I kinda don't accept it as a good story. He decides to give up and abandons his lively scientist alter ego, in pursuit to forget the past. Funimation-October 15, 2018. Steins;Gate 0 is nothing short of an excellent addition to the Steins;Gate franchise. I second this comment, and gave the shows those exact scores. I dropped it somewhere near the end. Rintaro Okabe is the protagonist of Steins; Gate, often nicknamed Okarin, a portmanteau of the Oka- from his surname and the Rin- from his given name, is a self-proclaimed mad scientist. I do believe it is worth watching since they explore more about the characters. I did not read the VN so I don‘t know about how well the story was adapted but I only watched S;G 0 to the end because I liked the original show. Don't watch the movie until u finish the series. There aren't too many characters in Steins Gate but each character is explored in depth and there is a best girl for everyone. If the original is a 9, then 0 is an 8. I yet have to finish the anime and confirm wether its worth of being a sequel or not, but this VN is an absolutely perfect masterpiece ... science humour (I actually worked at CERN). New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. Also, watching Steins;Gate before Steins;Gate 0 gives you a better understanding and appreciation of what Okabe’s character will go through in Steins;Gate 0. Absolutely not. Out of all the titles I was excited for this year, Steins;Gate 0 was pretty high up on the list. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Overall it's an amazing anime. After watching the original Steins;Gate, it’s easy to see that the series has a lot going for it. Is Steins;Gate 0 worth watching? Ruka's tragic future. Originally, Steins;Gate is a science-fiction visual novel game developed by 5pb. You should play Visual Novel. Popular This Week. whats your rating? Anime. Is Steins;Gate 0 worth watching? So w ith the last episodes of Steins;Gate 0 fast approaching, here are some of the best reasons to catch up on the series just in time for the finale. SG0 is really bad adaptation. The characters feel like hollow shells of their former selves, only retaining their most popular character tropes. Though there are people going as far as giving SG0 a 4 or even a 3 on MAL with the original being a 9. The anime is written so that while watching you can feel the pain that Okabe feels. Doing one or the other won't give you the complete story, so I would recommend either playing or at least watching a playthrough on YouTube if that might be within your … But hey, that’s just me. it's worth watching. Steins; Gate – Is it still worth watching? So it’s definitely worth watching in full if you’re a Steins;Gate fan who has some Japanese knowledge. (the original steins gate) Then in 2020 i watched SteinsGate 0. I know that SG 0 is a different from SG but you can't just start from SG 0, Original Steins Gate will still serve as a prequel to it I remember watching the anime of Steins;Gate and adoring it so much that I went and played the game soon after. - Steins;Gate 0 is disadvantaged in that its source material is inferior If you are expecting to feel the same way you did watching the first anime, you won't. But...I don't think its anywhere near as good a full package. The dark untold story of Steins;Gate that leads with the eccentric mad scientist Okabe, struggling to recover from a failed attempt at rescuing Kurisu. Steins;Gate 0 originally came out in 2016 on PS4 and PS Vita, ... and remake visual novel are all well worth playing or watching. Also the new character designs are pretty shit. As someone who hated the insufferable Hououin Kyouma trash from the first story, enough to where I almost abandoned it multiple times, I found getting more time with an Okabe that didn't do that stuff to be an absolute relief, and joy. It's more commonly accepted to be complementary to the VN and is seen as the final route to true end. (Request an anime for review here.) It's more commonly accepted to be complementary to the VN and is seen as the final route to true end. I have absolutely no idea how they got to that. #3 › 3-Day-Respawn. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Steins Gate can be a little difficult to follow at times but if you are into the Sci-Fi genre, we highly recommend watching Steins Gate. November 14, 2019. It's very close to the original in quality in my opinion, definitely watch it. (yes, something stupid like that happened to me quite often already). I never said it to watch in that order, he has already completed watching Steins Gate. I never enjoyed nearly as much as I did Steins Gate. That being said, always give stuff the 3 episode rule. It doesn't add anything substantial to the original IMO. Steins;Gate 0 isn't as much of a straightforward anime adaptation like Steins;Gate is, because of its complex branching path structure. I started watching this show in my early teen years and it affected my life greatly. 0 comes nowhere close to the original. Anyways if you do decide to go through with it, don't forget about Episode 23β, the pertinent part is available fansubbed on YouTube, and the whole thing will be officially included in 0's BD/DVD release. Due to some directorial and staff changes (a lot of the staff remained the same for 0), it's not regarded as the same quality of Steins;Gate, but also like stated above, don't expect the same time travel thriller you got with Steins;Gate. Following the original visual novel’s release in 2009, the characters, concepts, story, and world expanded well into the mediums of manga, audio dramas, light novels, and the creme de la creme that is a quality anime adaptation. It's MUCH more drama based and you will hate new Okabe. (Sakamoto desu ga?) 0. You can read the details here. It's good if you want 17 epsiodes of slice of live with slight changed steins gate characters, If you want action, drama or mystery it's hard pass. Regards! Tough keep in mind that sometimes it is difficult to really understand everything. Steins;Gate 0 isn't as much of a straightforward anime adaptation like Steins;Gate is, because of its complex branching path structure. ... And now, Steins gate is in my top 5 anime list. Yes it is very worth watching! If you haven‘t seen the OVA and movie I would recommend these much more than 0 even though they are not canon. 0 0. wchmara. Steins;Gate 0 is a touch disappointing, however all will be forgiven if it has set up an epic climax. A new sequel for Steins;Gate was also announced. Lv 5. They also don‘t interfere with the story but they add a nice touch and the movie is pretty well made. The ending of episode 24 of the original will be the same but the story extends starting from episode 23 so u must watch the alternate episode 23b. A cursory glance at any given popular-niche Japanese series will tell you that success begets adaptations, and Steins;Gate was no different. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, I found it slightly better than the original. 0 gives more depth to the characters, especially Daru and Suzuha. Steins;Gate and Steins;Gate 0 are 2 separate products, it was never meant to be shoehorned. It's a part of the story. But, it's not very light hearted considering when the anime takes place. Doing one or the other won't give you the complete story, so I would recommend either playing or at least watching a playthrough on YouTube if that might be within your interest. If you really enjoyed steins gate then yes 0 is worth the watch. A lot of the dialog feels off, too, and plot development is glacial. can you please give me a brief description of what its about thanks. Because of Steins;Gate's focus on time-travel and the way this sequel is designed, it is not worth discussing picking up Steins;Gate 0 without playing the original first. No. So if you like the original and think highly of it, then it goes without saying that Steins;Gate0 should be included too. not worth it me, i didn't enjoy it at all . Steins;Gate 0 is still presenting itself as an intelligent anime, but rather than exploring time travel, we’re exploring advanced A.I. Like a snowball just starting its roll from the top of the mountain. 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